SIMPLE LIVING // Doing more with less

For many of us this is a moment of immense unknowing, insecurity and plenty of tests in letting go. As things change on a daily basis, we hope that something new and positive emerges - for ourselves, for our futures, and mostly - for our planet.
It's no illusion that the non stop go-go-go of modern life isn't sustainable. As the pace we're all moving continues to get faster our desires only become more complicated.
The constant battle for more is where many of us find ourselves - without even trying. The vast market of consumer goods leads us to believe that we need something new for every aspect of our lives - our beauty routines, our closets, our homes, etc. All filled with things that so often don't bring us joy.
In the spirit of staying home and surrounding ourselves with the things that matter most - now is a great time to take inventory. And if you feel inspired, a little spring cleaning is a great way to energetically cleanse yourself of the things that you feel are weighing you down.
Maybe the next phase is lighter? Simpler? More considered? Maybe we'll all find that we won't need as many things in our lives to make us happy.
At Nucifera, we've always believed in the idea of doing more with less. It's why we make products that serve multiple needs rather than just one. Multi-purpose is our expression of simplicity.
We're all in this together. Surviving and striving to take care of our families. As the immediate needs of comfort come into focus, we hope that this awakens a sense of empathy for those who have less and increases our own sense of gratitude.
Thank you for all the support you've shown us - now and in the past. We are truly grateful for all of you!