FEMME FRIDAY // Jasmine Scalesciani-Hawken

I feel so deeply fortunate to have met Jasmine.  

Although we have crossover backgrounds in the raw food world, it wasn't until fairly recently that we met in person. While sitting around in a causal meeting of minds for women in business, I learned that Jasmine founded a company - Hairprint - that resolves grey hair naturally. With scientists, she has developed the world's first 100% non-toxic solution to one of the worlds greatest cosmetic conundrums. While the rest of us are doing something wonderful, Jasmine is doing something truly revolutionary. 

What they have created, and the message they are promoting is inspiring.  She has taken what could be a simple message of non toxic hair care, and elevated it to a deeper meaning. 

Clean products are not just essential for our own bodies, they are essential to environmental health. Through education we empower ourselves to make the right decisions, and bring awareness to how we can do better. 

"One, if a women wants to enhance her beauty she should be safe. And two, if you want to make a girl beautiful, provide her with an education."

That said, 20% of their proceeds go towards female education. 

While Hairprint is its own genius, Jasmine's passion project includes a beautifully curated and meditative site Noself. Through beautiful imagery and mindful words, she provokes us to challenge the meaning of "I" and self. The site includes a free downloaded meditation (you must download) , and she sells beautiful digital and printed self contemplation cards.

Jasmine is a poet and an artist. Through both Hairprint + Noself she conveys a profound message that challenges us to consider our existence and the choices we make.

Thank you Jasmine for ALL that you are doing in this world. 


Your 3 Word Bio

Creative. Open. Present.

One thing the internet doesn't know about you?

I worked as a fashion designer in New York before leaving with a one-way ticket to India and following my pull to realize the nature of who I am. My childhood and teenage years where spent on the deserted beaches of Jose Ignacio Uruguay and Sardegna Italy (before tourism took over) and that is how this love for wilderness came to be. I was a raw foodist for 8 years and started experimenting with fasting at 19 after reading Herbert Shelton’s book on Fasting.
I have a degree in Energy Medicine from the Barbara Brennan School of Healing.
That’s 4 :) 

The can't live without it daily ritual that keeps you inspired?

What keeps this mind clear is my practice of Inquiry. I do ‘The Work’ of Byron Katie every morning as a daily meditation.

What is in your desert island cosmetic bag, and how do you use it?

I love your questions! I would take ingredients that I can live on and at the same time use as cosmetics.

Phytoplankton (my favorite ingredient on the planet): I use it as a superfood for it’s incredibly nutritious properties. And the zinc and beta-carotene in the phytoplankton would provide me with natural sun protection. As a facemask, I would mix it with the 2 ingredients below.

Coconut oil: great calories to eat, a natural mouthwash, and as a skin and hair moisturizer.

Honey: Because of its antibacterial, probiotic, and healing properties. And I’d also use on my skin and hair.

And since we are on an island... what's your favorite way to use coconut?

Every which way! …the shells made into a bikini top? ;-P

What impression do you want to leave?

Joy and Kindness

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