You know the kind of girl that you can’t help but stare at? Tall, beautiful, and with just the right touch of cool aloof - you can’t help but wonder what her secret is?
Alle Weil is that girl.
When I first started working with Alle I almost felt a bit intimidated. What was her story? I wasn’t quite sure. She had just arrived in California from New York where she was working at one of the ‘sceney’ raw food restaurants, and I had to wonder... but once I got to know her I found the opposite of intimidation.
Alle is someone who is deeply kind, knowledgeable, and breathing all things wellness. She is also focused and hard working. As much as I would try to distract her while we were working together, she was always on a mission to get it done. She is very clear and direct without saying too much.
Her work and lovely blog inspires people to live with a back to earth approach, and truly highlights a holistic and grounded approach. She currently works as a holistic health counselor in Los Feliz, CA where she lives with her adorable dog and (super funny) husband.
Find most of Alle’s musing on her personal site - Flora ex Machina.
Naturally beautiful both inside and out, she is the perfect inspiration for a Femme Friday.
Thank you Alle !
Your 3 Word Bio .
Flora ex Machina
One thing the internet doesn't know about you?
The internet may not know it but my friends and family sure do. I’m fiercely loyal and sometimes brutally honest to those I love. This may come off as icy to a stranger but it’s really a sign that I’m comfortable around you. Most of the time it takes me time to open up.
The can't live without it daily ritual that keeps you inspired?
My mornings are pretty sacred. Starting the day off next to my partner and puppy, taking time to listen to my body, meditating, and fueling my body before I take on the day are essential to keeping me inspired and grounded.
What is in your desert island cosmetic bag, and how do you use it?
I’m a natural beauty product junky, so this question is especially tough. I’m always experimenting with new products, especially because I have extremely sensitive, dry, and reactive skin. However, I always seem to go back to the simplest and purest, multi-purpose staples like coconut oil which I coat myself with, especially in the winter.
And since we are on an island... what's your favorite way to use coconut?
Ugh, I really have to pick just one? Probably raw coconut water, right out of the coconut, but young coconut meat turned into yogurt or icing is a close second.
What impression do you want to leave?
There is such a disconnect of information and understanding between what is taught, portrayed in mass media vs. what is self-gathered or directly experienced and instinctual knowledge. This issue of course goes far beyond nutrition and natural health or other way that I could impress any sort of change or growth. Still through all channels, I want to encourage people to tap back into that intuition, take control of their own education, challenge norms, and find their own truth in whatever way that resonates to the individual. And – I don’t care what studies you point me to, food is medicine. period. If you change the way you eat and live, you will change the way you feel. This, I can help with.