BEAUTY SIMPLY // Letter for a new year

To say this year is off to an insane start is an understatement. I think many of us have a feeling of immense overwhelm with all that is happening in the world.

On the one hand, to start off feeling inspired with positive momentum is what January is about-  and on the other, the vast problems that the world faces feel well beyond our control. Suddenly the little things like 'healthy habits' seem kind of micro to the big picture. 

All of it is true, and yet finding some peace and joy in our everyday lives is really the only truth we can count on. Doing small things to heighten awareness, make good decisions, and positively influence those around us does inform change in the world. The things that we see that are products of greed, lack of reverence for mother nature, and any number of compromised decisions that are made for the sake of money is the ultimate truth for no one. One day, none of that will matter to anyone who exists in this moment, and all that will still be here - perhaps - is the air that we breath for future generations.

We've made it all way too complicated. 

In the spirit of much needed simplicity,  we stand for finding beauty in the small things. Beauty Simply. To simplify both ritual and routine to find a sense of peace in our own lives, bring balance to chaos, and ultimately become better versions of ourselves. An attitude that is a luxury, yet squandered by many.

Find beauty in the small things. Take one day at a time. 

It's no more a new year than a new day. 

Make it a good one friends! 

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